Again in the Gazette, another story caught my beady eye where the answer to the problems for two groups of people would be to swap their problems.
The residents of Broadstairs want to keep their trees in Pierremont Park and not have a Community Centre which would involve the chopping down of said trees. Some are even prepared to be chopped down with the trees such is the depth of feeling!
The residents of Margate want to open up their painted caves as a tourist and educational centre.
You can imagine the conversation from the guides:
“Hello and welcome to the Margate Caves, these are a series of holes under the ground”
“Yes and……?”
“Well, that’s it. It’s a series of holes under the ground”
“Do they do anything?”
I suggest the residents of Broadstairs give the £1.8 million they don’t want for the hated Community Centre to the group who want to restore the caves etc. They would be very delighted to get the cash, and any money left over could be used to provide a small buffet with some wine and tubes of Pringles.
The residents of Broadstairs could then use the caves as a not-very-local Community Centre, and as it is so close to my subterranean lair I could keep up with all the local gossip through the walls!
Problem solved and everybody would be happy
Only in Thanet could you have action groups to save holes carved out of chalk and a collection of self seeded sycamore saplings.
Knowing something of the after dark use of said park, it will be interesting to see how long those chained to trees survive unmolested. The wizened will undoubtably be robbed and I hate to think of the fate of the nubile - actually I don't but for decencies sake I said that.
Wise words indeed O learned mortal. Even I shrink from the thought of their fate!
For 1.8 million quid I'd dig them a new bloody cave with central heating and a garage.
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