Thursday, 21 April 2011


Now that I have swarms of Minions aware of my interest in exposing all things bullshit in Thanet. I find myself in receipt of interesting nuggets, or should I say steaming piles of the stuff for my perusal on an almost daily basis.

Following conversations with Caesar and Brutus, I know that as a breed, most politicians are pretty slimy when it comes to advancement up the greasy pole or a better position along the trough.  However, an outstanding candidate for recognition in plumbing new depths in this slippery game of musical chairs is a female member of the Thanet Labour Group named after a delicate flower. How ironic!

This particular flower is about as delicate as a Venus fly trap with an intellect to match. Her idea of subtlety is to sniff around the party faithful and anyone with influence in Thanet volunteering her services to talk people to death on their behalf.

Her technique is simple but deadly. She just keeps talking, shouting and screaming at her victims until they agree just to shut her up. Then she proceeds to bending the truth of any issue she's hired to support into impossible pretzels of delusional bullshit that can only convince the most adamant of morons!

Anyone watching her activities would think she is expecting the beautifully coiffed Leader Cllr Hart to suddenly retire following an accident with a trouser press, high explosives or while handling the plague virus!

Perhaps she is of the Hermodactylus variety? Yes, you will have to Google that!

It’s all a bit weird after she pledged her undying loyalty to said leader not so long ago when a "Northwood Nasty" was trying bore him (and us!) into submission (13 pages of bleating) to get a better position.

A desperate, high-profile campaign of taking credit for just about anything positive happening in Thanet has reduced most of us here in the underworld to hysterics, especially Nemesis!

Issues which aren’t even in her own ward and about which she has no understanding or influence are being touted as her single-handedly putting the world to rights.

Rumour has it she’s even having Spanish Lessons and is considering changing her name to Evita

She is in the Gazette as appeasing both Developers and Residents at EXACTLY the same time. This is bordering on the miraculous and a few of us are waiting to see if she’ll have a bash at parting the Wantsum channel for an encore before 5th May.

In the meantime, I suggest Cllr Hart wears a Kevlar vest when near the fly trap especially at functions where cutlery or trouser presses are nearby!

STOP PRESS:  I have been informed by Mr Turner (who is seriously pissed off) that she is now taking the credit for the original idea of a Gallery, the design of the building and all of the artwork!

Is there no end to this woman's talents?

ANOTHER STOP PRESS!  She is now taking the credit for the lovely weather that you dear mortals of the Isle are basking in.


Bill Richards said...

Not just taking the credit for the original idea but silmultaneously siding with the protest group who never wanted it built in the first place. This woman has the skin pigmentation of a chameleon although she is careful never to land on anything blue.

Wonder how your detractors will view this post, Reaper, and will it convince them still further that you are Clive Hart, possibly trying to rid yourself of another thorn in the side. Or will you face that fate, even worse than your present living death, and be branded a Tory apologist. You deserve better!

Anonymous said...

only one blogger round here has coments in a new window

Anonymous said...

And your point is 21:30??

Anonymous said...

came to this blog expecting something interesting, possibly even remotely intellectually challenging... All I can see is a pathetic attempt to eliminate competition via childish manufactured truths. Your friends don't deserve their positions and should quietly remove themselves from the gene pool

Gorilla Bananas said...

Why is everyone so angry?

Anonymous said...

It's what happens when a blog is set up with the sole purpose of spreading defamatory comments that are either misinterpreted, exaggerated, taken out of context or plain false. It's disgusting as the victims are completely defenceless, and the attacker is faceless - and cowardly

Anonymous said...

Dunno about plain false but if the shoe fits? Quite a good likeness of Iris would you agree?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if the Reaper is supposedly so into exposing apparent 'bullshit' then why is he not exposing the antics of Ms Kay Dark, the non-performing Northwood councillor? If there's anyone whom Clive Hart should be guarding his trouser leg against then surely it's her? Reaper, you discredit yourself with your 'bull....' and lack of posts exposing the desperate lengths Clive Harts minions will go to to protect his leadership.
You attack another hardworking councillor whom you clearly perceive as a threat to Clive, your master, Hart... Whilst ignoring the disgraceful behaviour of those
surrounding your Beloved coiffed leader. Shame on you and all Clive's misguided gang

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if the Reaper is supposedly so into exposing apparent 'bullshit' then why is he not exposing the antics of Ms Kay Dark, the non-performing Northwood councillor? If there's anyone whom Clive Hart should be guarding his trouser leg against then surely it's her? Reaper, you discredit yourself with your 'bull....' and lack of posts exposing the desperate lengths Clive Harts minions will go to to protect his leadership.
You attack another hardworking councillor whom you clearly perceive as a threat to Clive, your master, Hart... Whilst ignoring the disgraceful behaviour of those
surrounding your Beloved coiffed leader. Shame on you and all Clive's misguided gang

Anonymous said...

Who says the Reaper's a he??!!

Anonymous said...

No one 10:53 but I can tell you the Reaper's a spineless little minion of the "Clive Hart Massive" who is faceless and cowardly and is probably sucking c*ck in hell right now!!

Anonymous said...

Payam Tamiz ripe for attack, or is it only Labour you slag off.

Confused in Thanet said...

I must admit to total confusion. Whilst many comments accuse the Reaper of being Clive Hart's spokesperson, some even the exalted leader himself, we now have 19:47 suggesting he only slags off Labour. Strange for both cannot be right.

Not so long ago he was making comparisons between the 'Barnets' of Hart and Nottingham (more the lack of in the latter case) and dishing it out to the Lib/Dems of Dane Valley. An earlier article was pretty critical of the council over the Pieremont Park trees and the Margate caves suggesting the Reaper attacks all mortals on a whim rather than arising from political bias.

Not an easy one to call though some seem convinced.

Anonymous said...

'Confused in Thanet',
Hopefully I can clear your confusion with a little synopsis...

This website was set up with the sole intention of discrediting Mark Nottingham as revenge for having dared to raise the fact that Kay Dark, Northwood Labour councillor, had been dishonest in the Labour candidate selection process. Kay already had a longstanding reputation for taking the money but not doing council work in her ward. Clive Hart knew about this but covered it up along with members of his ‘inner circle’

To try not to make it too obvious, ‘The Reaper’ posted a few other articles such as the one about Pierremont Park.

Some articles may not appear obviously anti-Nottingham at first glance but would be obvious to those in the know i.e. Local Labour group. In fact 7 out of 13 posts refer to Nottingham. Timings of posts are also significant.

Additionally, Tony Flaig (Bignews Margate) has come under attack in three posts because he supported Nottingham on his blog site.

Latest victim is Iris Johnston who has refused to go along with the Hart, Poole & Fenner gang.

Only threats to Clive Hart’s power & ego have so far been targeted.

As another poster commented, The Reaper is spineless & cowardly and this Blog reveals a lot about the inner workings of Local Labour.

Ken Gregory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1731. Gene pool or swimming pool? CRBs for all councillors hown will that solve the problems

Thanet Reaper said...

I love it when I make morons pissed off enough to post angry stuff!

Thanet Reaper said...

P.S. 17:31 and 20:41
You've given me a great idea for an amusing sideline.
I think I'll set up a dating agency on this site called "Sad F--kers With No Mates."
Hopefully you two can meet up and put an end to your lonely hours of angry self abuse.

Chris Howes said...

The only one who needs to be abused is you reaper. You think you are clever hiding behind your alias - really you should be out in the open spreading the bullshit - unless you have something to hide??

Thanet Reaper said...

Dear Chris
I don't THINK I'm clever. I KNOW it! You really should learn to relax and see the fun in life because death lasts a very long time.

Chris Howes said...

How about we meet then Reaper? An intellect test? Your choice of challenge and location. Face to Face, Man to Man with results posted to your blog for if you shall beat me I shall be forever your minion!

Thanet Reaper said...

Dear Chris,
What would I do with you as my minion?

Chris Howes said...

Dear Reaper,

You could do as you wish as I hold valuable inside information that you would surely benefit from.
I do think however that having to run a website behind an alias is a sign of the weak..... all other thanet blog writers are not ashamed to hide behind an you have something to hide or???